The dynastic parallelism of great lineages: The phantom reflections of the same mediaeval dynasty

The dynastic parallelism of great lineages: The phantom reflections of the same mediaeval dynasty

Dynastic parallelism

Dynastic parallelism 01

The dynastic parallelism between the Second “ancient” Roman Empire of the alleged years 82 B. C. – 217 A. D. and the Third “ancient” Roman Empire of the alleged years 270-526 A. D.

Dynastic parallelism 02

The reign correlation of the “ancient” Biblical kingdom of Israel and the Third “ancient” Roman Empire.

Dynastic parallelism 03

The parallelism between the “ancient” First Roman Empire (royal Rome as described by Titus Livy) and the “ancient” Third Roman Empire.

Dynastic parallelism 04

The parallelism between the Second Roman Empire of the alleged I century B.C. – III century A.D. and the Holy Roman Empire of the alleged X-XIII century A.D.

Dynastic parallelism 05

The parallelism between the “ancient” Third Roman Empire of the alleged III-VI century A.D. and the Holy Roman Empire of the alleged X-XIII century A.D.

Dynastic parallelism 06

Reign correlation between the “ancient” kingdom of Israel (the alleged years 922-724 B.C.) and the mediaeval Holy Roman Empire of the alleged X-XIII century A.D.

Dynastic parallelism 07

The reign correlation between the “ancient” kingdom of Judah (the alleged years 928-587 B.C.) and the mediaeval Holy Roman Empire of the alleged X-XIII century A.D.

Dynastic parallelism 08

The reign correlation between the “ancient” Biblical kingdom of Judah (the alleged years 928-587 B.C.) and the “early Mediaeval” Eastern Roman Empire of the alleged IV-VII century A.D.

Dynastic parallelism 09

Reign correlation of two consecutive periods in the Papal history of the “early Middle Ages”.

Dynastic parallelism 10

Reign correlation of the “mediaeval” Carolingian Empire of the alleged years 681-888 A.D. and the “ancient” Third Roman Empire of the alleged years 324-527 A.D.

Dynastic parallelism 11

Reign correlation of the mediaeval Holy Roman Empire of the alleged X-XIII century A.D. and the mediaeval Habsburg Empire of the XIII-XVII century with a rigid shift of about 360 years.

Dynastic parallelism 12

Reign correlation of the Russian Czar-Khans of 1276-1600 A.D. and the rulers of the Habsburg Empire of 1273-1600 A.D.

Dynastic parallelism 13

Triple reign correlation of the First, the Second and the Third Byzantine Empire with shifts of 340 and 330 years. Detailed scheme giving names.

Dynastic parallelism 14

Reign correlation of the English kings and the Byzantine emperors.

Dynastic parallelism 15

Parallelism between the “ancient” Greek kings and the mediaeval Byzantine emperors.

Dynastic parallelism 16

Parallelism between the “ancient” kings of Lacaedemon and the mediaeval Greek despots of Mistras.

Dynastic parallelism 17

Parallelism between the “ancient” First Roman Empire (royal Rome as described by Titus Livy) and the “ancient” Third Roman Empire.

Dynastic parallelism 18

Dynastic parallels in the “new chronology”. Graphical representation of the found “Parallelism” with the Kings of Navarre and the Kings of Sweden. [2017-11-15]

HX amb nom
Anatoly T. Fomenko, Glev V. Nosovskiy

Русский . БългарскиСрпскиDeutschEnglishItalianoCastellano . Català

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